
独家专访 | 韩国留学生Jake Lee:从心选择,用心生活

Jake Lee: 

A Mindful Choice Maker 

Who Is Living Purposefully


采访&文 / 张雨姝 


Jake Lee

From South Korea

Sophormore; Muse College; SSE

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant at Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Lab

  • 3rd runner up in Smart City Hackthon 2018

  • Winner of 2018 Shenzhen Universiade International Student Scholarship

University students sometimes find it hard to reconcile two interests that quite differ from each other, in particular, when deciding on our majors. Jake Lee, a Year 2 Korean student who is into both engineering and business, however, has been keeping a healthy balance between the two

兴趣广泛的你,在选择专业之际,是否有过 “鱼”和“熊掌”不可兼得的烦恼?Jake Lee, 这位大二韩国留学生却在平衡中让选择多了一种可能

Jake majors in Computer Science and Technology, an SSE program. But “I want to do both business and engineering, so when I decided to study engineering, I wanted to do business as participating in competition or similar events. So that’s why I take part in this kind of competition.” According to Jake, “this kind competition” referred to the Hackathon# Smart City Competition, in which he won the third place together with his team. Without “any separate preparation” backed up by “fancy skills” during the busy mid-term period, Jake, along with his team of four, was able to make an impression on the judges through narrating a story in which they designed a service for people with disabilities. 

Jake 现就读于港中深理工学院计算机科学与工程专业。对于商学与工程学皆感兴趣的他,却并没有因为选择了后者,而舍弃前者。相反,他选择其一作为自己的专业,将自己对另一项的热爱融入课外活动中。“当我决定读信息工程类专业时,我同时也开始去尝试参加一些商赛或者相关商学活动,因为商学与工程学都是我喜欢并想要做的。”2018年10月,正值繁忙的期中考试周,Jake一边准备着考试,一边忙于参加德勤中国和香港科技大学联合举办的智慧城市黑客松2018比赛。比赛中,他与团队伙伴“没有在花哨的技巧上作额外准备”,而是将为使用轮椅的残疾人设计的服务通过故事讲述给评委们,最终在来自世界各地的参赛队伍中脱颖而出,荣获季军。

Jake Lee at Hackathon# Smart City Competition

Jake is a mindful choice maker. When confronted with business and engineering, he opted to take one interest as his major and make up for the other by attending relevant events. Life presents us with multiple paths at some crucial time, each of them leading in entirely divergent directions, but that doesn’t indicate we have merely one single opportunity to make choices. As the way Jake has dealt with it, tread upon a random road, yet still experimenting with your other ideas and striving for a beautiful coexistence of interests.


As a Christian, Jake has also been seeking a purposeful life. “My value comes from Christianity. Love, hope, and faith are the things that I live by.” According to him, there is a widespread lack of “fundamental reason or purpose for study or general living” among students nowadays, especially in Asian countries. Jake, on the other hand, transfers his focus from grades to experiences. Whether in terms of study or competitions, his satisfaction derives from the process of exploring and endeavoring. “It is what it is.” Avoidance of overly comparing is something Jake has always been paying attention to. 


Though problems and sufferings may arise at times, faith empowers Jake with an inclusive heart and the withstanding ability to live with them. When asked whether there was once vacillation in his belief, Jake negated and extended firm conviction. “Truth should be something that does not alter because of time, culture, and people. Otherwise it's not that to be the truth. A believe itself is not imperfect. What is imperfect is human experience, our knowledge, and limited thoughts. What I have to do is that I live through a different time and different life, experiences different things, and I try to figure out how I am going to live it out in this specific way.


Jake sets an example of making mindful choices as well as finding out a purpose for life, which may help shape our own insights for university life. In the young CUHK-Shenzhen, risk and chances come hand in hand. Don’t forget to seize the opportunities and “try different stuff”, suggested Jake. 





Q: Based on your personal experience, what advice do you have for the other students on campus? Especially freshmen.

A: Don’t only focus on GPA and figure out the actual meaning and purpose of your study before you devote your life to study. I feel like a lot of students, especially in China and Asian countries, spend their entire life and effort to get a good grade. But after that, they don't know what to do and why they are studying. They don't really have a fundamental reason or purpose of the study or generally living. You need one of those fundamental corner stones of your life, something that can provide value. A lot of students I see in China get their values from their parents or what their parents want them to do, or the idea they could get more money if they do it. Parents are imperfect, money is imperfect. When parents fail, their whole value system becomes broken. When they don’t make enough money, or even they make enough money, eventually they feel very pointless and hopeless and meaningless. Those things cannot give you true meanings. To find something really meaningful for you is important.

Q: I don't know whether this is pretty much the case in Korea, but in China I think parents know what the values they really hold on or stick to actually worked for them at their times. In China, in the last century, they worked hard and they got paid more and had better chances and lives. But now the times have changed. So what might have worked then might not work for now. So I think this is part of the reason why parents are some somewhat understandable. 

A: I agree with that. Korea is very similar at the same sense. You know Korea had Korean war and then we were the 3rd poorest country in the world. It took many years to get to where we are today. It was very drastic change in economy and everything. There’s always flash back into those fast changes in values and economy. Now we are living in a world where we are fortunate enough to ask those questions. But our parents didn't have any chance to ask, they were busy figuring out what to eat for next meal. It is a privilege that we may ask the questions that our parents didn’t have chance to ask before. Why not use it to the fullest? And then live up to it right.


To Be Continued


记者:张雨姝 2016级 人文学院 思廷书院

文字整理:周嘉洵 2017级 人文学院 逸夫书院

编译:许璐鹏 (OSA)

排版:许璐鹏 (OSA)



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