
喜讯 | 港中大(深圳)人文社科学院本科生的两篇论文被2019国际语用学大会收录

杨心怡(左)、卢国瑾(右)与 Yap Foong Ha教授讨论问题







第16届国际语用学大会(IPrA)将于2019年6月9日至14日在香港理工大学召开,这是该会议第二次在亚洲举办。国际语用学大会是全球规模最大、最知名的语言学会议之一,每两到三年举行一次。 会议汇集来自世界各地的数千名研究人员,以推动语言使用研究的进展,助力跨语言和跨文化交流。



卢国瑾的论文《笑话中的“你“ : 从优越论视角看喜剧脱口秀中第二人称代词的使用》(“YOU are in my joke!”: On the use of the second person pronoun in standup comedies from the perspective of Superiority Theory)探讨了在喜剧脱口秀中,表演者如何用第二人称代词来嘲笑自己和他人。通过对话分析和批评性话语分析,该研究确定了第二人称代词的两个特征: 一、拉远讲者和听众的距离,从而塑造一个特指的为听众嘲笑的“低级”对象;二、拉近讲者和听众的距离,并进一步让听众感到自身的“优越”而发笑。针对媒体及公共话语中自我或他人的负面呈现这一现有讨论,本研究加入了特指和通指的考量维度,在一定程度上完善了优越理论。

《 “鹏城”深圳形象的视觉表征:以中国现代化大都市宣传片为例的多重模态分析》(Visual representation of Shenzhen, ‘City of the Soaring Eagle’: A multimodal analysis of China’s futuristic mega-city) 由杨心怡作为第一作者与香港中文大学(深圳)Foong Ha YAP 教授和广东外语外贸大学邓谊博士合作完成。论文分析了2018年深圳官方城市宣传片《深圳·中国》如何通过视觉影像和大量的传播符号来塑造深圳作为现代化大都市、高新科研中心和未来主义感的绿色生态城市的形象。论文以社会符号学为框架,具体从《深圳·中国》的颜色、音乐、动态镜头、摄影技巧等方面分析该宣传片是如何构建现代化、国际化的“鹏城”的。该论文属于城市宣传片中的符号研究——通过对多模态化的宣传片进行分析,论文探索了开放、绿色、创新、文化、时尚、未来的主题下深圳形象的建构。












这次研究的准备时间非常紧张,从拟定题目到完成摘要只有两周左右的时间。期间,我在选题、数据搜集、数据分类等方面遇到了许多难题,多亏有Yap Foong Ha教授和邓谊博士的帮助,我才能一一克服。这次的研究题目在符号学和语用学领域非常新颖,我采用的研究方法是在Yap教授的课程上掌握的多重模态的分析框架。Yap教授在这次研究中给我提供了很多帮助。正是得益于Yap教授给予我一对一的深入指导,我撰写的篇论文才能顺利被IPrA大会接受。此外,邓谊博士在研究方法上也给予我很多宝贵的建议。在她们的帮助下,我也加深了对该领域的理解,拓宽了视野,增强了知识储备。


Yap Foong Ha教授任教于香港中文大学(深圳)人文社科学院。Yap Foong Ha教授毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,获得应用语言学博士学位。她先后任教于康奈尔大学、上智大学(东京)、香港中文大学和香港理工大学。她的研究领域包括语言转换、语言类型学(跨语言研究)、语言习得与处理、认知功能语言学和语篇分析。

HSS Undergraduates' Papers Accepted for the International Pragmatics Conference 2019

Recently, two undergraduate papers from the School of Humanities and Social Science (HSS), CUHK-Shenzhen, have been accepted for full paper presentation at the forthcoming 16th International Pragmatics Conference to be held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from June 9-14, 2019.

Both papers evolved from the course TRA2520 Textual Analysis and Readings offered as part of the undergraduate Translation program by the School of Humanities and Social Science at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. One is a single-authored paper by undergraduate student Jean Guojin Lu, based on an individualized final project for the TRA2520 course. The other is a multi-authored paper that emerged from course lectures on the topic of multimodality and the promotion of China’s mega-cities, with undergraduate student Trista Xinyi Yang as first author. These papers are accepted for the panels on “Creating and Sharing Public Humor across the Media” and “Visual Images and Identity Construction in Public Discourse” for the 2019 International Pragmatics Conference. These papers are:

“YOU are in my joke!”: On the use of the second person pronoun in standup comedies from the perspective of Superiority Theory
Guojin LU (HSS Year 3) 

Visual representation of Shenzhen, ‘City of the Soaring Eagle’: A multimodal analysis of China’s futuristic mega-city
Xinyi YANG (HSS Year 3), Foong Ha YAP (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen), and Yi Deng (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

About the conference


The International Pragmatics Conference brings together thousands of researchers from all over the world in pursuit of advancing the study of language use, with implications for better communication across languages and cultures. It is one of the largest and best-known linguistics conferences and is held every two or three years. This conference will be hosted for the second time in Hong Kong in June 2019.

About the mentor


Prof. Yap received her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from UCLA (1999), and since graduation has taught at Cornell University, Sophia University (Tokyo), The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research interests are in the areas of language change, language typology (crosslinguistic studies), language acquisition and processing, cognitive-functional linguistics and discourse analysis.

Prof. Yap has published an edited book on Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives (2011), as well as guest-edited two journal special issues, the more recent of the two on “Stance-taking and Stance-marking in Asian Languages” in Journal of Pragmatics (2015). She has also (co-)authored over 50 articles in edited volumes and international journals such as Diachronica, Journal of Historical Pragmatics, Issues in Applied Linguistics, Language Science, Lingua, Linguistics, Studies in Language, Text & Talk, Discourse & Society, and Memory & Cognition. She was the PI of 3 competitive external grants (CERG and GRF) from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (2005-08, 2010-14, 2014-17).

Prof.Foong Ha YAP with Xinyi YANG and Guojin LU 

About the papers


The paper entitled “YOU are in my joke!”, by HSS undergraduate student Guojin Lu, examines how the second person pronoun ‘you’ is used by standup comedians to ridicule self and others in a humorous manner which, crucially, can attenuate potential face-threats that sometimes arise from pointed and caustic remarks made by the comedians. Using both conversational analysis and critical discourse analysis, this study identifies how the mesial/distal feature of the second person pronoun ‘you’ (i.e. the exclusive and away-from-speaker stance) contributes to the creation of explicit ‘inferior’ (and laughable) selves and others, while the proximal feature (i.e. the inclusive and near-speaker stance) contributes to the creation of implicit ‘superior’ (and laughing) audiences. This study contributes to the refinement of Superiority Theory by adding an additional parameter (viz-a-viz specific vs. generic referents) into existing discussions of negative other-representations and negative self-representations in media talk and public discourse.  

The paper entitled Visual representation of Shenzhen, ‘City of the Soaring Eagle’, by undergraduate student Xinyi Yang and her co-author mentors Foong Ha Yap and Yi Deng, examines how Shenzhen promotes its image as an ultra-modern hi-tech research-and-development hub and a highly sustainable futuristic green city through visual images and other semiotic devices. Using a social semiotics framework, the paper analyses how the promotional video “Shenzhen China” uses color, music, motion, graphics and camera techniques to present a positive portrait of Shenzhen as a soaring eagle in China’s modernization and internationalization blueprint. This study forms part of a series of semiotic analyses of how major world cities promote their city image—be it as pioneer city, green city, innovation hub, cultural centre, avant garde fashion centre, and/or futuristic city—through multimodal forms.

Official Website: 



摄影:Jennifer (HSS Office)

英文:Prof. Foong Ha Yap(HSS)

排版:朱宁(HSS Office)



