


Influenced by COVID-19, CUHK-Shenzhen has started online teaching since February 17th. During this special period, international students took online classes in their hometown. In the following passage, Ihasivony from Madagascar, Aldo and Mulan from Indonesia, and Luis from Mexico will share their experiences with e-learning.


International Students' Online Learning


From Madagascar


2018级理工学院 祥波书院

Year 2 Student, SSE, Harmonia College



Ihasivony attends English class taught by Matthew

Zoom meetings allow us to have our lecture online. Personally, I think it’s a great way to catch up the classes and everything. The features on the app allows us to interact and ask questions as if we were in a real classroom. The only difficulty is the time difference. My country is 5 hours behind so morning classes are impossible for me to attend. However, we can always rewatch the lecture because the teacher will upload the video every time.


From Indonesia


2018级经管学院 思廷书院

Year 2 Student, SME, Muse College



Aldo attends online courses in Indonesia

Due to the recent virus outbreak, CUHK-Shenzhen continued the spring semester through e-learning. Being an international student, whose country temporarily banned flights to and from China, I believe that e-learning is a great way to cope with the dire situation. Although it is awkward not being physically present during class, the features on the online learning app enable us to conduct in activities as if we are in a real classroom, which makes it less awkward and more effective. All in all, this is a memorable experience for the students. And as the saying goes, “this too shall pass,” the current crisis too shall be resolved soon.


From Indonesia


2018级经管学院 逸夫书院

Year 2 Student, SME, Shaw College



Mulan attends operation management lecture held by Dr. Shi

Hello everyone! Greetings from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

First and foremost, I want to send virtual hugs to all the members of the CUHK-Shenzhen big family.

Speaking of virtual, I have been spending 50% of my days in the virtual world, with online learning and kinds of stuff, and the other half in the real world. I appreciate how we are still able to learn through the online platform provided by our school. It is all possible thanks to the efforts of the faculties, professors, teaching assistants, and staff.

I remember someone said that “technology brings us closer to those who are far away, but far away from those who are close.” But during this time, I feel for the first time that this quote wasn’t very accurate after all. Through online learning, I can meet with my professors and classmates. Simultaneously, I can be around the people who are close to me.



Everyone's favorite classmate in Dr. Sun's management class

Of course, just like everyone else, I also wish for everything to return to normal immediately. But I also want to appreciate how we are holding on until now. So, soon, we will look back and realize that we can survive anything, even the most difficult times.

To all of my teachers and friends, my thoughts are with you and your family. Stay safe, and I hope to see you soon.


From Mexico



Year 2 Student, SSE, Shaw College



Luis attends English lecture given by Dr.Law

When I first heard about the idea of having online classes, I was pretty worried. There may arise many possible problems (bad internet connection, 13 hours of time difference, and being in a video call with more than 50 people). Moreover, I didn’t think some classes were suited for online teaching. For example, class engagement is vital for courses like English or General Education.

However, I was wrong, and online teaching has been quite fine this last week and without a problem. I think students and teachers are doing their best to achieve this. Besides, the platform Zoom has been quite compelling. My teachers have been quite comprehensive with my time-zone situation and have found ways to handle the class online and keep the interaction going.

I am not trying to say online learning is better, but it surely has its upsides. For example, now if I can’t attend the class, I can always watch the recording and pause or repeat a part of the class if I didn’t get a concept. Also, now the teachers can send us polls asking if the whole understood or not. Maybe the situation is not perfect, but I am quite happy to know that my university is doing its best to keep teaching me.

—— E N D ——





A Letter from President on On-line Learning




ID : cuhksz2014

结合传统与现代 会中国与西方





