
2020毕业季 | 香港中文大学(深圳)学院及书院院长给毕业生的寄语












Dear graduates,

On behalf of the faculty and staff of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, School of Management and Economics (SME), I extend my sincere congratulations to each of you on your successful graduation!

In the past four years, your academic accomplishments, enthusiasm for school activities and relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation have impressed us all: you have consistently been outstanding representatives of the school and the university. As you embark on your careers, start your own businesses, or continue your studies through postgraduate programmes, I am hopeful and I am confident that you can excel in all your endeavors, and that your future will continue to make our school proud.

Even though you will soon graduate, I encourage you to stay connected with the school and to join the Alumni Association. You will always be a part of SME.

Thank you for making SME stronger! I cannot wait to see your achievements after graduation!



Dear Graduates,

Congratulations to your accomplishments as SME's Class of 2020!

You are unique not only because you had the courage to make the decision four years ago but also because you were energetic and dedicated to your calling. I am so proud of your passion and efforts in driving this journey forward, especially in the past spring semester of 2020. We may not gather in a large auditorium to celebrate the special moment together, but please throw a celebration for yourself. I believe that all these precious characteristics and experiences you possess will enrich your opportunities and benefit your careers.

I would especially like to thank your parents and families for understanding and support in the past.  They also made your study environment at SME special. We look forward to seeing your presence as SME Alumni at university and school events in the future, and also would like to continue our support to you wherever you go and whenever you need.


Michael Ferguson教授


My deepest congratulations to you all. You have worked hard, met many challenges, and made many sacrifices. Take time to enjoy this moment and, more importantly, to thank your family and friends for their support. You did not do this alone.

Keep in touch; your network is essential to your career and your friends are essential to your happiness. Join the CUHK-Shenzhen Alumni Association and find a way to give something back to those who follow.

Most important, in these trying times, be patient and do not lose your perspective or hope; every crisis brings changes, challenges and opportunities. Believe in yourself and accept that the world around you will always change.

As Henry Ford said a long time ago: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”







Distinguished guests, colleagues, friends and graduates of the Class of 2020:

Welcome to the 2020 Commencement for CUHK-Shenzhen, School of Science and Engineering. I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all of you from Hong Kong.

In the past few months, the Coronavirus has spread all over the world. All universities nationwide, including us, have adopted the online "Cloud Classroom", where teachers and students interact remotely to face the challenges and overcome the difficulties together. This has been a challenging period, but it also offers you, the 2020 graduates, something special.

Why do I say so? We know that our life is changing at a rapid pace. New situations and problems are emerging one after another. Learning, is not just something you do at school. Even after graduation, you will find that the knowledge and skills acquired in the classrooms are far from enough. You must keep learning. You must become a lifelong learner.

The "Cloud Classroom" in the special period provides you with the opportunity to practice the skills of self-paced online learning. Comparing with students graduated before you, you are in a much better position to face the uncertain world and grow into a lifelong learner. The stronger the ability of lifelong learning you achieve, the stronger the competitiveness you will have in the future workplace and society.

I am very happy that our 2020 graduates are able to come back to the beautiful campus, to say farewell to each other at the place where you started four years ago. I would like to give my warmest congratulations to all of you who are about to set sail from the great stage of CUHK-Shenzhen. I look forward to seeing you benefit from this extraordinary experience in your lifelong learning journey. 

中国古人云, “吾生而有涯,而知也无涯。” 学无止境,活到老,学到老。与大家共勉! 谢谢!












My dear 2020 Graduates,

My warmest congratulations to the Shaw College Graduates of 2020 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. I would also like to congratulate your parents and family for ceaselessly supporting you on your academic journey over the past four years.

This is a special year that graduates face with unique challenges of COVID-19. The global change and the sudden switch to remote learning have created a new reality that we must all continue to adjust. Thank you for your adjustment, resilience, intellect, and grit during the past few months.

University life is one of the best times in a person’s life. I can still remember my days at university which were enjoyable and rewarding, and most importantly, the undergraduate education has changed me from a student to a responsible and mature person. Through the college activities and daily contacts at Shaw College in the past four years, I hope you have developed strong bonds with your fellow students, wardens and teachers, which will continue for many years to come. I wish your experience and friendship at Shaw College marks one of your best moments in life which will also be part of your best memories when you look back.

Today is a milestone, very soon you will be leaving our University and our College to move on your life journey. However, graduation is not the end of our relationship and friendship. Shaw College and you will be in contact in different ways. 

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Graduation is a very proud moment for you, however, your hard work is not over when you graduated, it is just a break as you will enter the new and bigger challenges in life. Your future is about chasing dreams and doing that require your efforts and passion. Just keep learning, trying, accomplishing, and venturing on through your journey. Learning is the key to success, do not ever stop learning, dreaming and achieving. I am sure your dreams will come true.

Shaw College will always be proud of you. Good luck and congratulations!













Happy Graduation!




Dear graduates, colleagues, parents, ladies and gentlemen,

This is a very special summer for Muse College! In this extraordinary time of fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic for several months, the arrival of summer means we have now come to the first harvest season in which our very first batch of Muse students will graduate. It must be with a great pleasure and excitement for you to graduate after four years of hard work and university life. The pleasure is of course no less for us as teachers and mentors who have escorted you through the process. With the Most Unforgettable and Special Excitement (M-U-S-E, MUSE), I am so delighted to address this extraordinary Class of 2020.

First of all, I wish to warmly congratulate you on your successfully reaching this important milestone in your life. Four years ago you entered this 2-year old university and looked somewhat childish. University education is an important formative and transformative period for one to grow up from a high school boy or girl to a young man or woman. After all the colorful and memorable, exciting and enriching, busy and even frantic university life, you have become much more mature and sophisticated physically, mentally and intellectually. I am sure you are ready to face all the new opportunities and challenges in your life. You are the inaugural class of Muse College, and this is my very first commencement speech to our graduates. I am enormously proud of you! Today you all look great, pretty, handsome, and very smart. Congratulations! At this time of joyful celebration, we are very thankful for the generosity and support of Mr. Lai Hoi Man (赖海民) and his wife, Ms. Chan See Tin (陈思廷), and Horoy Holdings Limited (鸿荣源集团) which have played a pivotal role in the establishment and development of Muse College.  

Over the past four years you have grown up together with Muse College from its very beginning. I am sure you have experienced and accumulated countless memories of joys and satisfaction, as well as frustration and even growing pains. On the one hand, you have enjoyed living on this beautiful campus and receiving the benefits of our resourceful college system. On the other hand, I must thank you for your participation in and contribution to the rapid and fabulous growth of our young college. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank your parents for their understanding and support, especially during your freshman and sophomore years when Muse College was just established and had a very humble start. Well, we are all Musers, for one day and then forever!


我是学地理和环境科学的,所以在宏观和哲理层面我更加坚信“天人合一,天大过人,命大过天,天下无界”的道理及其重要性,更加强调人类文明及其发展从根本上就是要处理好人与人、人与社会的关系,这就是人文地理,以及人与自然、人与地球的关系,这就是自然地理。经过这次疫情,我更加体会到人与人之间、人与自然之间的互相尊重和和谐相处是人类社会可持续发展的根本和前提所在,而这些关系是不断地渐变和突变的。总括而言可以用三句话来概括:Nothing is perfect. Nothing is forever. Therefore, the only thing which does not change is CHANGE! 我想说的就是,面对这个变化多端莫测的世界,大家一定要不断学习,勤于思考,善于思辨,这对自己的学业、事业发展以及个人、家庭生活都至关重要。我们要用自己不变的优良特质(如勤奋、毅力、勇气和自信)和高尚品德(如诚信、爱心、谦卑和包容)去应对不断变化的万事万物。以不变应万变!这样才能知己知彼,发挥所长,有备无患,趋吉避凶,活出更精彩丰盛的人生,同时也为社会为国家作出更多更大的贡献。

To offer my best wishes to you before your departure, I wish to quote “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.” in Steve Jobs’ commencement speech at Stanford in 2005. Never be satisfied, never feel fulfilled, always feel thirsty, hungry for knowledge, success and another achievement.

Take a deep breath and jump into the arena of the real world! You have been proud of being a CUHK-Shenzhen student over the past four years. From now on, I am sure we will be proud of you and your achievement and contribution to the society in the years to come. Dear graduates, it is time for us to say “Bye, but only for now”. Please keep in touch and do come back from time to time with your classmates, and sooner or later with your husbands and wives, and kids because we are all members of the Muse big family.







- END -






毕业季花絮 | 神仙湖畔 蓝花楹下 我们再会 




港中大(深圳)“中国加油 世界加油”特别放送

My Zone My Graduation 我们都是追梦人特别放送

2020毕业季 | 全家福里有你真好(一) 

2020毕业季 | 全家福里有你真好(二) 




结合传统与现代  融会中国与西方

