
青春岁月 创造美好未来——著名哲学家周国平教授寄语港中大(深圳)2022届本科毕业生

The following article is from 周国平 Author 周国平

CUHK- Shenzhen

















Youth Hold the Key to Creating a Better Future

Remarks at Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2022, CUHK-Shenzhen

Professor Guoping Zhou delivers a speech

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Dear students, today, you have arrived at a pivotal point in your lives. You are about to say goodbye to CUHK-Shenzhen and your classmates, with whom you have spent four years of your life together. Meanwhile, you are about to bid farewell to one of the most memorable times in your life. At this moment, it is normal to feel both thrilled and sad, both excited and bewildered. I would like to share more about bewilderment since it's vital to look into the myriad of sentiments that go along with uncertainty.

To begin, I'd want to say that you have every right to feel bewildered. You are meant to feel bewildered as a young person, just like everyone else. You all have dreams, but you are heading into an unknown future; you are straightforward, but you are stepping into a complex society. So, of course, you will feel confused. But also, you have grounds to be puzzled. You happen to encounter a difficult time, along with the ongoing ravages of COVID-19, and a world full of uncertainty. Not only young people, but everyone who cares about humanity's and China's fate will feel adrift in such times.

I had likewise gone through harsh experiences in my adolescence. Half a century ago, I graduated from Peking University during and was assigned to a small county in the mountain valley of Guangxi. I couldn't see a way out back then, living a dull and repetitive life, and doing work I didn't enjoy at all. Luckily, I insisted on reading and writing out of hobby. I stayed there for ten years and would have stayed for the rest of my life if it hadn't been for the reforms and opening up. I had no idea, nor did I ever expect, that I would one day become a well-known author. In retrospect, if I have accomplished anything, it is inextricably linked to my dedication to my hobby during that period. I'm sharing this story to show you that I, too, went through difficult moments in my youth. So I feel for you, and my reflections may be useful for you as well.

Youth is a critical period in a person's life. To a large extent, it foreshadows the overall course of future life, which is marked by two things, one being career and the other being faith. By career, I am referring to a certain area of expertise that you enjoy and excel at. It makes you happy, and it allows you to express your full potential. When I say faith, I am talking about a set of unshakable values for you to live by, regardless of any external pressures or temptations. Career is the foundation of security, and faith is the foundation of life. With these two things, you will be able to establish yourself in the world. My dear graduates, both career and faith are laid down in youth. You must work hard in these two areas in order to develop strength in deeds and determination in life, which will allow you to become the masters of your own destiny.

Times change all the time, and no one can choose what time they are living in. Since graduation, I have gone through many various times, some bright and hopeful, others cloudy and gloomy. There are always sunny and rainy days, as well as smooth and challenging moments. This is how everything moves through time. Because of the intricacies of the factors at play, we are navigating through the most difficult time in decades. As graduates, you may feel the isolation and loneliness brought on by the pandemic, as well as the difficulty of studying abroad due to the ebbing tide of globalization. These had never been problems until recent years. This is how life is: there are good times and bad times. Complaining, despair, and frustration are futile in the face of misfortune; they will instead turn adversity into a desperate position with no way out. My dear students, please remember that adversity does not equal to desperation, and mankind's duty is to find a way out of adversity. No matter what kind of times we are in, nothing can prevent a person with strong beliefs from living a meaningful life.

Humans are spiritual beings with various traits. Among them, the most important traits are REASON, or the ability to think independently, and MORALITY, or the conscience to distinguish good from evil. These are the two most precious gifts of life. Only by seeking truth with our own minds and having a clear conscious, can we really live up to these gifts. Nowdays, it is extraordinarily important to have these two qualities, and therein lies the strength to overcome hardship.

According to Einstein, independent thinking is how humans achieve inner freedom. People are rarely free in the outer world. The environment's constraints, the pressures of survival, the oppression from power, and societal prejudices are all shackles that have been placed on us. However, if you have the ability to think independently, everything in the outside world will become the subject of your thoughts, and you will not be manipulated by them. Some may argue, "What good is inner freedom without outer freedom? In any case, we are not free in the outer world." Actually, the importance of inner freedom cannot be overstated. Throughout human history, it is with this inner freedom that great thinkers and scientists have made remarkable contributions to the progress of society and knowledge. Ideas have the power to change reality. The more people who are willing and capable of independent thinking we have in a society, the less likely that fallacies will be believed, and governance will be off track. For example, there is now an argument that advocates a closed-door policy for China. However, if you examine and consider China's recent history, you will see that its quick ascent from a underdeveloped country to the world's second-largest economy is all down to reform and opening up. We shall stay on this only correct route.

In today's world, another trait that we must have is conscience. Independent thought determines what is true and what is untrue, whereas conscience distinguishes between good and evil. Humans are born with a conscience that allows them to discriminate between good and evil, as well as to turn from evil to good. The most basic morality of human beings is goodness at the individual level and justice at the social level. So-called goodness implies sympathizing with good people when they suffer and despising bad people when they do evil; so-called justice entails being prepared to assist victims and daring to confront the evil. Society will be healthier and more harmonious if the conscience is elevated to a central role.

My dear graduates, in the face of hardship, we must assume responsibility and stay confident. The future of humanity, as well as China's ability to adapt to crises and difficulties, are essential concerns for all of us. Nobody can keep away from it. It is much more critical for young people because it will shape the world that they will live in in the future. At the same time, young people will also shape the world of future to a considerable extent. As long as your generation possesses good spiritual values, I am confident that the future will be bright and prosperous. Dear graduates, your youth is now in their prime. Please believe that the most difficult periods can lead to great accomplishment. May you keep your aspirations, be strong-willed and courageous, and build a bright future for yourself, your country, and humanity.

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Graduation Ceremony 2022


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