
Kekenet-Kris Wu was chosen for NBA All-Star Celebrity Game.

2017-06-19 小仙 小仙英语伴读订阅号

Kekenet-Kris Wu was chosen for NBA All-Star Celebrity Game.

  译  吴亦凡将参加2016全明星名人赛 与麦迪成队友

____ Editor's notes: This is old news. This is reading material for English learners. ____

  译  编者按:这是旧闻。是英语学习者的阅读材料。

Chinese-Canadian singer and actor Kris Wu will showcase his talents on the basketball court, after being chosen as the lineup for 2016 NBA All-Star Celebrity Game.

  译  在被选入2016年NBA全明星赛名人赛的大名单之后,加拿大华人歌手、演员吴亦凡将会在篮球场上展示他的才华。

  单词  showcase 展示

  单词  lineup 阵容

  单词  celebrity 明星

The National Basketball Association announced this news on Friday, along with the game's theme of Team Canada versus Team USA.

  译  NBA联盟在周五正式宣布了这一消息,而比赛的主题将是加拿大队对阵美国队。

  单词  versus 对阵

Born in Guangzhou and immigrating to Canada at the age of ten, Kris will play on the team representing Canada.

  译  出生于广州,十岁移民至加拿大的吴亦凡,本次比赛将会代表加拿大队出战。

  单词  immigrating 移民

The 25-year-old pop star has shared his excitement through his Sina Weibo account, saying "chasing my dream, thank you NBA".

  译  这名25岁的流行歌手通过他的新浪微博分享了他的激动之情:“追求我的梦想,谢谢你,NBA。”

  单词  excitement 兴奋

  单词  chasing 追求

  时态  have(has) + 动词的过去分词 是动词的“现在完成时”,这种时态主要用于表示 1.从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。

The NBA revealed that Grammy-winning artist Drake will coach Team Canada, face off against four-time NBA All-Star Celebrity Game champion Kevin Hart.

  译  此外,NBA官方正式宣布,格莱美奖获得者德雷克将成为加拿大队教练,他将会面对的是曾四次获得NBA全明星名人赛最有价值球员的著名演员凯文·哈特。

  单词  revealed 宣布

  词组  face off 与···对抗

Team Canada also includes stars Drew and Jonathan Scott, seven-time NBA All-Star Tracy McGrady.

  译  加拿大队的阵容还包括明星德鲁·斯科特和乔纳森·斯科特以及7届NBA全明星球员特雷西·麦克格雷迪。

The 2016 NBA All-Star Celebrity Basketball Game will kick off on February 12th in Toronto, and be aired on American sports network ESPN.

  译  2016年NBA全明星赛名人赛将于2月12日在多伦多举行,美国体育广播网站ESPN将进行现场直播。

  词组  kick off 开始

source: kekenet.com

  译  来源:可可英语 


