

Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic








“形式的狂想” 刘韡个展  

+ 空间呈现


+ 平面设计


+ 策展人


+ 出品人


+ 开幕


+ 地点

+ 主办


+ 承办


+ 协办










《大自然》 尺寸可变 铝,喷漆,钢化玻璃,亚克力板,玻璃钢,纸,钢,聚乙烯,镜面,泡沫,KT板,水泥(2016/2020)




近期个展包括上海龙美术馆西岸馆的“散场/OVER”(2020年)、 克里夫兰当代美术馆和克里夫兰艺术博物馆的《看不见的城市》(2019年)等。参与国际联展包括:纽约古根海姆美术馆的《1989后的艺术与中国:世界剧场》(2017年)、伦敦白教堂美术馆的《黑色方块的冒险:抽象艺术与社会1915-2015》(2015年);曾参加第58届和第51届威尼斯双年展(2019、2005年)、第11届、第8届和第5届上海双年展(2016、2010、2004年),第11届和第9届里昂双年展(2015、2007年)等。也曾多次获得国内外艺术家大奖和公益奖,包括第十届AAC艺术中国年度艺术家大奖(2016年)、Artnet年度艺术家(2016年)、中澳文化大使(2016年)、CCAA中国当代艺术奖最佳艺术家奖(2008年)等。


《九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术⑥“形式的狂想”  刘韡个展》空间呈现效果图



近期展览包括:“MAD X”(蓬皮杜艺术中心,法国巴黎,2019);“光之隧道”(越后妻有大地艺术祭,日本越后妻有,2018);“天镜”(米兰设计周,意大利米兰, 2018);“微型花园”(第十五届威尼斯建筑双年展,意大利威尼斯 ,2016);“回到东方:中国建筑景观”(国立二十一世纪艺术博物馆,意大利罗马,2011);“生活”(路易斯安那现代艺术博物馆,丹麦哥本哈根,2011);“感觉即真实,奥拉弗·埃利亚松和马岩松”(UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,2010);“中国设计的当下”(维多利亚和阿尔伯特美术馆,伦敦,2008)。



《九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术⑥“形式的狂想”  刘韡个展》折页设计示意图


设计师,现在生活、工作于北京。A BLACK COVER DESIGN 平面设计工作室创始人、美术指导。2004年、2008年两次获得东京字体指导俱乐部 TDC Prize;“设计2007”,V&A设计博物馆,伦敦,英国。2010年担任东京字体指导俱乐部 TDC 评委;2016年在德国埃森参展“图文—全球华人平面设计展”;2009年、2018 香港设计师协会环球设计大赛,两次荣获金奖、银奖及铜奖;2020年美国纽约担任ADC Young Guns设计大奖评审。





九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术⑤ 陈文骥+丁乙+梁铨+谭平 “相似的结果,不同的路径”







Nine-Tiered Pagoda:

Spatial and Visual Magic

Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic, as a cross-disciplinary event, represents an unprecedented direction and form of exhibition in China.  Nine (groups of) artists will provide their works as the basis material for the exhibition. Besides, nine architects and nine designers will also join to form nine temporary teams, hence the cooperation among artists, architects and designers. There is no ‘priority’ or ‘center’ in the exhibition, only division of labor and collaboration, presenting nine individual exhibitions of a brand-new type.

As the core determinant for the exhibition, space and design are also a kind of re-creation of the exhibition and the work; They determine the content and how the audience see the exhibition, as well as the sequence and pace. Space and design, no longer in the service of the exhibition, provide an independent and autonomous experience for the audience, granting the exhibition a myriad of variables and possibilities.

There has always been a lack of quality cross-disciplinary exhibitions, which are neither a fast food product preached by celebrities and online influencers nor a highbrow art confined to professional barriers. The cross-disciplinary advocated by Nine-Tiered Pagoda creates a nexus joining art, architecture and design together with a new cross-discipline, which reflects the practical needs and collaboration of the three professions, while it also retains the expertise and strengths of each with a proper division of labor.

As an ancient Chinese architecture, ‘Pagoda’ has a special structure, with each tier telling a different story. These stories, spaces, and designs are closely intertwined with each other into a superimposed whole, formulating the external image and spiritual core of the exhibition.

Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic, launched by curator Cui Cancan and architect Liu Xiaodu in 2020, is a hands-on project that mixes ideas, methodologies and tools. It's not only a workshop for cross-disciplinary art, but also a platform for artists, architects and designers to cooperate and expand their development realms together.

The advent of Nine-Tiered Pagoda represents the ambition to create an entirely new field, with an aim to invent a new way of collaboration and to create a fresh exhibition concept that can reshape the perceptual experience of our times.

Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic ⑥
Forma Fantasia - Solo Exibition of Liu Wei

Spatial Design: Ma Yansong

Graphic Design: Guang Yu

Curator: Cui Cancan

Producer: Liu Xiaodu
Opening: 5/9/2021
3rd Floor, Exhibition Gallery, Pingshan Art Museum
Host: Culture, Broadcast and Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Pingshan District
Organizer: Pingshan Art Museum
Co-Organizer: China Resources Culture and Sports Development Co,. Pingshan Ltd Pingshan Branch

As the sixth project of “Nine-Tiered Pagoda”, “Forma Fantasia” is like a rhapsody, a laboratory of forms that inspires imagination, or a stage play that breeds infinite power. The exhibition is based on the geometric installations created by the artist Liu Wei, with the architect Ma Yansong designing the space, and the graphic designer Guang Yu in charge of posters and other visual designs.

As the backbone of the new generation of cultural representatives, the works of Liu Wei, Ma Yansong, and Guang Yu are rooted in an important stage of China’s development and has been deeply affected by unique changes and vicissitudes of the Chinese society in the new century, that is, the rapid changes of the urban and cultural landscape. In this period, the form in ancient modernism no longer exists as a form. Instead, it has become a medium of rapid change and future imagination. “Fantasia” calls people to follow the guidance of “form”, to pursue the infinite association and “wholism”. The “wholism” here may be the law of motion of everything, while the “light and shadow” may represent the origin of time or its change. The “rising line” will herald the ambition of soaring,  while the “circle” is the starting point and the next loop.

Compared with other projects of “Nine-Tiered Pagoda”, this exhibition presents a new way of cooperation. Artist Liu Wei doesn’t provide a “complete” work, but some materials and scattered parts instead. The circles, blocks, and curves of these geometric shapes, with traces of polish, are like the brushstrokes of a Cubist painting, or the abstract shapes waiting to be placed. The way they will finally be exhibited depends on the architect.

Architect Ma Yansong places these “unnamed” works in a “unfamiliar” space, similar to a black hole in the universe. This grants the works a completely different temperament, if look and feel from previous exhibitions. Time stagnates, while still going through ups and downs, just like the silent “still life” releasing a huge tension. The squeezed space, seemingly small, but is in fact gravitational. A beam of light foreshadows the vastness outside the “space capsule”, where “force” has gained its weight and tangible form. Via the de-formalized approach, Ma Yansong challenges the “Forma Fantasia”.

Many moments or ancient rituals in history, in the ever-changing time and space, will always be presented with sacred meanings. “Forma Fantasia” here implies an eternal law, the light and shadow, the dynamic and trend in the long river of history and in all the triviality of the past. The dynamic and static, openness and intensity, verticality and falling, flying and sinking in these illustrated objects may originate from still life in the Cubist or Futuristic paintings, which may indicate the breakage of branches and trees in spring,  a midnight torrential rain in the 19th century, a stone tablet lost in a space odyssey, or the magnificent ripples deriving from tens of thousands of years in just a blink of eyes.

In the poster created by Designer Guang Yu, the form itself conveys such an imagination, where all information is arranged in a tower. The line represents the horizon and the circle hangs high like a moon rising over the ancient tower erecting against the sky. “Forma Fantasia” is also the fantasy of the “Nine-Tiered Pagoda”. It hopes that people can get out of the shackles and imagine a future without boundaries with broad perception. We fantasize and fight in the spring of hope and the winter of despair, until everything goes silent.

Curator: Cui Cancan


●Liu Wei

Liu Wei (b.1972) was born and presently resides in Beijing, China. He was trained as a painter at the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou in 1996. He is heavily influenced by the instability and fluctuation peculiar to twenty-first century China, in particular with respect to its physical and intellectual landscape. Initially Liu belongs to the generation of artists known as the Post-Sensibility group; in the years since, with his paintings, videos and large-scale installations Liu has become a singular presence on the global art stage. 

Liu Wei’s recent solo exhibitions include “散场/OVER” (Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, 2020); “Invisible Cities” (moCa Cleveland and the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, 2019) among others. Recent group exhibitions include: “Art and China after 1989 Theater of the World” (Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2017); “Adventures of the Black Square - Abstract Art and Society 1915-2015” (Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2015); He has participated in the 58th and 51st Venice Biennale (2019, 2005); the 11th, 8th and 5th Shanghai Biennale (2016, 2010, 2004); the 13th and 9th Biennale de Lyon (2015, 2007) among others. He was nominated for the Award of Art China 2015 and received the Award in 2016; He was the Artnet Artist of the Year and the Ambassador of Sino-Australia Cultural Exchange in 2016; He received the Chinese Contemporary Art Award for Best Artist in 2008.

Spatial Design

●Ma Yansong

Born in Beijing, China, in 1975. Currently lives and works in Beijing, China and LA, USA.

Ma Yansong is the Principle Architect and Founder of MAD Architects. Through his work, Ma is committed to creating a vision for the city of the future that is inspired by the spiritual and emotional needs of its residents. Over the past 16 years, Ma has gained worldwide attention in the architecture field for his international practices with cultural consciousness. Signature projects include: Harbin Opera House, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Los Angelas and the Absolute Towers in Mississauga.

Recent exhibitions include: “Mad X”, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (2019); “Tunnel of Light”, Echigo Tsumari Art Field Triennial, Japan (2018); “Fifth Ring”, Milan Design Week, Milan, Italy (2018); “Micro Garden”, 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy (2016);  “Verso Est: Chinese Architectural Landscape”, MAXXI, Rome (2011);  “Living”, the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen, Denmark (2011); “Feelings Are Facts, Olafur Eliasson + Ma Yansong”, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing (2010); “China Design Now”, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (2008).

In 2019, Ma was invited as a special speaker in “In Our Time: A Year of Architecture in A Day” conference held by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Ma’s works are part of numerous public collections, such as Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Graphic Design

●Guang Yu

A Graphic Designer who lives and works in Beijing , China. Founder and art director of A Black Cover Design studio.

In 2004 and 2008, He won the TDC Prize twice of the Tokyo Type Directors Club; “Design 2007”, Participated in V&A Design Museum, London, UK. In 2010, Judge of the Tokyo Type Directors  Club; In 2016, he participated in the“Chinesisches Plakat-und Buchdesign Heute” in Essen, Germany Design Exhibition; In 2009 and 2018, He won gold, silver, and bronze awards of HKDA Global Design Awards twice; In 2020, Judge of New York, USA of ADC Young Guns Design Award.


●Cui Cancan

Cui Cancan, an active Chinese curator and writer, has curated nearly 100 major solo and group exhibitions for the most representative Chinese artists of different generations since 2012. His group exhibitions include Hei Qiao Night Way, Rural Wash, Cut and Blow-dry, Unlived by What is Seen, Between the 5th & 6th Ring Road in Beijing, The Decameron, Spring Festival Projects (2015-2019), The Curation Workshop and Nine-Tiered Pagoda.

About PAM

Situated in the north district of Pingshan Culture Quarter, The Pingshan Art Museum (PAM) is an important public cultural institution in Shenzhen. It is a major force for resource fusion from conventional public art museums and private art institutions, fueled by its institutional innovation. Aiming to build an art museum that is “positive and cool”, PAM actively explores professional development with high-quality in an international scope. The Pingshan Art Museum dedicates to be a new landmark in our time by bringing fresh and diverse cultural enjoyment and experiences to its citizens and celebrating vitality, inclusion, creativity, and interaction.



审校|郭琳 李耀


