
国际组织实习 | International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

同济就业 2019-10-31


 Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer

 (Firearms Control Expert), P3

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime






截止日期:06 November , 2018



Org. Setting and Reporting

This position is located in the Implementation Support Section (ISS) of the Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking Branch (OCB), Division for Treaty Affairs (DTA) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna. The incumbent will report directly to the Head of the Global Firearms Programme and work under the overall supervision of the Chief of Section.


For more information on UNODC, please visit our website: www.unodc.org.


Within limits of delegated authority the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer (Firearms Control Expert) will provide input and support to the Global Firearms Programme (GFP) and its activities and processes aimed at promoting the ratification and implementation of the Protocol Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components, and Ammunition (Firearms Protocol) supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (Organized Crime Convention).


The incumbent will perform the following specific tasks:


Collect and analyse national legislation on firearms and organized crime, keep abreast of legislative and technological developments in this field; Review legislation, carry out legal research and analysis for use at the policy level and prepare legal documentation;

Provide specialized legal advice/support and technical input on complex legal is-sues/aspects. Advise and interact with governments on issues related to legislation;

Monitor and promote governments’ accession to, implementation of and compliance with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and the Firearms Protocol, including reviewing national legislation and identifying gaps between national firearms legislations and international norms and standards;

Provide legislative assistance in the formulation and drafting of national strategies and action plans, relevant laws and regulations and standard operating procedures, necessary for governments to fully implement and comply with the international legal regime on organized crime and arms control, in particular UNTOC, the Firearms Protocol and other relevant instruments, such as the Arms Trade Treaty and where applicable regional instrument and international standards on arms control;

Provide advice on the implementation of UNTOC and its Firearms Protocol, in particular in the areas of record keeping, marking, tracing, collection, management, and destruction of firearms, as well as criminalization, investigation and prosecution of firearms criminality and related crimes;

Participate in the formulation, development, implementation, coordination, backstopping and evaluation of assigned technical cooperation programmes and activities under the Global Firearms Programme, including promoting accession and full implementation of UNTOC, and its Firearms Protocol;

Review, monitor and analyse social, economic and political developments and trends in the assigned areas at the national, regional and/or global levels, on an ongoing basis;

Organize and implement a variety of programme activities aimed at enhancing the institutional knowledge and understanding of the Governments, civil society and UN agencies of the nature and extent of UNODC mandates and at improving national, governmental and inter-governmental drug control, crime and terrorism prevention policies, strategies, plans and cooperation;

Participate in the formulation, development, implementation, coordination, backstopping and evaluation of assigned technical cooperation programmes/projects and activities; monitor and analyse programme/project development and implementation; review, prepare and/or ensure timely preparation and submission of relevant documents and reports; identify problems and issues to be addressed and propose corrective actions; liaise with relevant parties, counterparts and stakeholders; identify and track follow-up actions;

Provide backstopping and guidance on technical, substantive and administrative issues within the assigned technical assistance activities, programmes and projects;

Monitor financial resources, budgets, the expenditures and utilization of funds in the as-signed areas of responsibility including programme/project segments; draft parts of or con-tribute to the preparation of the necessary programme, project and budget documents and reports, such as progress reports, work plans, programme budget, programme performance reports, etc., ensuring compliance with UN financial rules and regulations and reporting requirements;

Prepare/draft a variety of written outputs, such as background papers, correspondence with governments, working papers, mission reports, analyses, briefings, presentations, policy proposals and documents, regular and ad hoc reports, studies, summary reports, manuals, guides, etc;

Contribute to fund-raising in relation to assigned projects and programmes by preparing materials and participating in donor meetings and fund-raising missions; by building sup-port for cost-sharing contributions from the Governments, and identifying other local funding sources for UNODC projects and activities, etc;

Explain and clarify UNODC programme of work, policies and strategies in the assigned substantive/functional areas and/or regions to governments, civil society organizations, UN agencies, their officials and representatives as well as to the public in general. As requested, attend policy-making and technical meetings to liaise with counterparts and to monitor and analyse events and discussions;

Assist in the organization and/or delivery of a variety of specialized technical services for governments, e.g. legal advisory services, expert group meetings, training seminars, etc., in order to assist them in the ratification and/or implementation of the international conventions and other international legal instruments related to drugs, crime and terrorism prevention; backstop mentors and regional advisers;

Provide substantive inputs and/or prepare substantive and programmatic reports to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), General Assembly (GA) and other legislative and technical bodies as well as their subsidiary bodies. Participate and assist in the substantive and administrative servicing of the meetings of those bodies;

Participate in workshops, seminars and training courses and conduct presentations as required;

Provide substantive support in the development of relevant technical and training materials, tools and capacity building packages.

Perform other work related duties as may be required.


Professionalism: Knows policies and practices in international drug control and crime prevention, as well as the mandates of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Knows and understands theories, concepts and approaches particularly relevant to crime prevention and combating transnational organized crime. Has proven knowledge of the areas on the prevention and combat of illicit firearms trafficking and its links to transnational organized crime, terrorism and related forms of crime, disarmament and related fields. Is aware of cross-cutting themes such as human rights, peace and development, gender inter alia. Has proven research and analytical skills. Knows and understands the legislative and substantive aspects of preventing and combating transnational organized crime and the existing international legal regime on, in particular, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its supplementary Protocol against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition. Knows other relevant global and regional instruments, international standards, guidelines and best practices in firearms control. Has knowledge of various re-search methodologies and sources, including electronic sources on the internet, intranet and other databases. Is able to apply judgment in the context of the assignments given, plan own work and manage conflicting priorities. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.


Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and for-mat to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.


Planning & Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.


An advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in law, criminology, political or social science or related disciplines is required. A first-level university degree in similar fields in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Work Experience

A minimum of five years of progressively responsible professional experience, of which at least three at the international level, in the field of criminal justice, law enforcement, prosecution, legal counsel, international relations, crime research, social or political affairs, is required. Relevant experience in areas related to firearms control, disarmament and related programme management and administration is required. Experience in project or programme management and administration is highly desirable. Relevant field experience in a developing country is desirable.


English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in English and French, i.e. oral and written proficiency, is required. Knowledge of Spanish is desirable. Knowledge of another UN official language is an advantage.


Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise and a competency-based interview.

Special Notice

This is a project post. Filling of this position is subject to funding availability and the initial appointment will be for a period of one year.


Staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her. In this context, all staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures.


The United Nations is Secretariat is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance in its staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.


Vienna is classified as a H and family duty station.



· International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

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