

Dear students of the Class of 2023,


As you stand here today, you've traversed the 16-year journey of education, navigating challenges and competitions along the way. You are like arrows poised in your parents' quivers, ready to launch. By choosing the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) as your launching pad, you've made a wise choice, and for that, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.

Master Hong Mingyan gave a keynote speech at the Seventh College Opening Ceremony.

CUHK (SZ) is a miracle. It was conceived in the visionary dreams of CUHK's founders sixty years ago, with the vision of enlightening the entire nation. 10 years ago, our visionary pioneers left their well-established careers and comfortable lives abroad to embark on a journey of recruitment, uniting like-minded scholars, experts,  professionals, administrators, and staff from all over the world, and fulfilled the 60 years' vision and dreams. The story of CUHK and CUHK (SZ) is a story of four generations, rooted in vision, character, and service. Inspired by their mission and humbled by the examples set by the pioneers, they came together to establish this institution, dedicated to nurturing future leaders for the Bay Area and our nation. It is a story of vision and legacy, fostering leaders with a global perspective, character, and a commitment to servant leadership.

In 1963, CUHK was established upon the wilderness of Shatin, Hong Kong.

The Founding Principals of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

UNESCO defines education as “to know, to be and to do." Knowledge is essential for living an abundant life and securing employment, but it is also about understanding our identity, uniqueness, and intrinsic worth. A proper sense of self-identity empowers us throughout life's various stages. Character is crucial, as life bears no fruits without it. In the Seventh College, we focus on building resilient characters, enabling us to thrive in any circumstance and develop an altruistic community spirit based on acceptance, appreciation, affection, availability, accountability, and authority. Ultimately, education is incomplete without "to do" as knowledge and character find meaning in the actions we undertake.

Integration of three colleges

As the African proverb goes, it takes a village to raise a child, and we believe it is a community project to nurture a generation of leaders who inherit the vision of our founders, embrace character, and serve. Today, we must applaud our executive leadership team for embodying this mission, their character, and their relentless pursuit of excellence in service. Additionally, we owe our gratitude to the department directors of CDO, ASO, OSA, EAMO, and BMO, who contributed their time and expertise to the construction of the two new colleges, without whom Seventh College's inauguration would not have been possible this fall.

The motto of the college inscribed by President Xu Yangsheng

With the opening of Seventh College, we are now poised to activate our college system. This unique feature of CUHK and CUHK (SZ) comprises residential wardens and tutors under the guidance of the college master. Seventh College has adopted the Relationship Bridge Model to facilitate intimate life-changing connections between wardens and tutors, tutors and student leaders, and student leaders and students. Our aim is to promote acceptance, appreciation, affection, availability, accountability, and authority in multi-dimensional college relationships. All our wardens and tutors have received comprehensive training in mentoring and service learning.

Democratic management and academic freedom under the administration of the University Governing Board

On top of these initiatives, each college at CUHK (SZ) has prepared special gifts for its incoming students. Seventh College also has given our new students a big gift set. We hope you like these souvenirs. In addition, Seventh College has designed four special experiential and instrumental gift sets. Our desire is that these gifts, which are the culmination of years of hard work by experts, will facilitate your transition from students to professionals and support your personal growth, whether you're single, a couple, or starting a family.

The current campus scene of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

Firstly, we offer an Innovation and Entrepreneurship gift set to stimulate your innovative mindset. While not everyone will become an entrepreneur, the ability to leverage your innate and acquired talents to create value for your community is a vital 21st-century skill. The second package focuses on Communication and Leadership, where our faculty and student writers will help polish your writing and speaking skills, enhancing your ability to think and communicate like professionals and leaders. Our third package is Service-Learning, designed to teach you how to integrate academic skills with community service, fostering a spirit of service and enhancing your employability. The fourth package addresses Intimate Relationships, acknowledging that cognitive breakthroughs and love experiences are two sure paths to happiness. We aim to maximize your capacity to love and connect with others. 

The Seventh College

Imagine yourselves creating a miracle. CUHK (SZ) stands as a testament to the unity of like-minded visionaries driven by a shared dream. We believe that, as more of us strive for excellence and humbly serve with integrity, we will all contribute to this ongoing miracle. In closing, I implore the Class of 2023 to be transformational and discern the kind, gracious, and pleasing will of the infinite. The future is yours to shape. 

Thank you!



电话 | 0755-23517380

邮箱 | 7thcollege@cuhk.edu.cn

办公时间 | 8:30-12:00; 13:00-17:30



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