
认识港中大(深圳)| Why CUHK Shenzhen? 我们告诉你




来自理工学院、思廷书院的韩国学生李钟赫(Jonghyuk Lee)目前是港中大(深圳)计算机科学与技术专业的大三学生。他不但在机器人与人工智能实验室参与研究项目,还是港中大(深圳)传讯与公共关系处的学生助理以及大学国际生协会的创始成员。本篇文案,他将与大家分享选择在港中大(深圳)的原因。

来自荷兰鹿特丹管理学院国际商务管理专业(International Business Administration)的意大利学生Federica Palma将以港中大(深圳)交换生的身份度过2018-2019年学年的第一个学期。本篇文案,她将与大家分享她在港中大(深圳)的学习和生活的体验。


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Jonghyuk Lee

李钟赫 国际生

Korean international student

School of Science and Engineering

Muse College

Computer Science and Engineering 

Life in CUHK-Shenzhen is certainly challenging and rewarding. Local students here are highly motivated and hardworking which makes the overall environment very studious and tense.

I am currently working as an undergraduate research assistant at the Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory of CUHK-Shenzhen, a student helper at the Communications and Public Relations Office. I am also a starting member of the University's International Student Association and I'm working at the public relation department .

The University has an all English speaking environment and comprehensive courses, and it provides students with unique opportunities such as diverse student exchange system. For me, I also value the Chinese learning opportunities for international students and competition opportunities with different global universities. I was fortunate enough to participate in some competitions and gain really good experiences.

The fact that our university is young and it’s in a stage of growing, there are lots of opportunities for an undergraduate student to contribute, participate and gain diverse experiences compare to other universities. Furthermore, students studying Computer Science and Engineering here has more to learn and gain in Shenzhen as it is a technology hub of China. These are the reasons why I chose to study in CUHK-Shenzhen.

Federica Palma


Italian exchange student

International Business Administration

Rotterdam School of Management

I am Federica Palma and I am an Italian exchange student coming from Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands!

The reason why I decided to come to China, and specifically to CUHK-Shenzhen, is because I wanted to discover a part of the world that was very different from mine and add an interesting experience to my portfolio.

China is growing both economically and politically so I thought that coming here would give me a true idea of this country and its growing power. 

CUHK-Shenzhen has a very beautiful and very well organised campus with many activities to bring students together. In Europe, we usually don’t live on campus and we have a complete different way of conducting university life. However, I really like this idea of sharing every aspect of life: from studying to eating; from academic meetings to partying.

I love the fact that people are so nice and welcoming and always open to help if necessary. Another feature I will miss back home is the fact that here classes are small and you, as a student, get the opportunity to talk to the professor without being intimated by the huge lecture rooms as we have back home.

Now I am half way through my experience and I am sure I will always bring China, Shenzhen and CUHK-Shenzhen wherever I will go in the future!

- End -







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港中大(深圳)印象 | 从《龙凤呈祥》到《春华秋实》

我的大学 | 你所不知道的港中大(深圳)

我的大学 | 港中大(深圳)学院、书院及部门联系方式

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Why CUHK-Shenzhen | A global citizen's journey at CUHK-Shenzhen

认识港中大(深圳)| Why CUHK Shenzhen? 国际生告诉你(一)

认识港中大(深圳)| Why CUHK Shenzhen? 国际生告诉你(二)

Wish you all enjoy 

a splendid time in CUHK-Shenzhen!

We look forward to your 

comments and contributions.





